This is my first blog post on the Isle of Beauty and i will try my best to do a weekly rant which is to let you all know what has been going on and what's on my mind. It's the first day of December and I'm excited for the chilly weather--time for sweater and comfy clothing--yay! Today i helped decorate the Christmas tree and various things. This rant isn't about anything specific but i want everyone to know that having this website means a lot to me not just informing you guys on beauty but being able to listen to you give feedback. I hope this website does very well and if not i hope it gives just one person a speck confidence with a laugh. Im not a professional Im just like you a girl in love with makeup and hair given the opportunity to share my tips and tricks with you, hopefully you will share yours with me. When i browse the internet looking for makeup info or ideas pertaining to hair,nails, or skin care i usually will have to research many website that says all the same things, and then when I get on YouTube they're specific people i watch on there but sometime I want other people to watch but can't find anyone talking about what I'm interested in. Long story short that's when i sat down and started creating this page I didn't want people being another me searching all over the World Wide Web reading the same information when on this site it's all beauty related. Enjoy this page and tell others about it I want this page to be fun for you and me. I will be making a YouTube channel for you all to follow. Im looking forward to making this page a HIT! :)

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    ~Isle of Beauty~

    Isle of Beauty was created to show off all things beauty.  This website will mirror what anyone and everyone view as beauty, just message me a picture with a caption and your name or screen name, I will be happy to show off your individual style. 

